Did you know 2 women a week leave their abuser? ... in a body bag.
Yes you read that correctly. Two women a week are killed by a current or ex partner in the United Kingdom, the fifth richest country in the world. Should you or anyone you know be suffering abuse or simply wish to read more information, please see the links below.
0808 200 0247
Women's Aid
Galop (for the LGBTQ community)
0800 999 5428
Live Fear Free Helpline (Wales)
0808 801 0800
Men’s Advice Line
0808 801 0327
Respect (Men)
phone: 0808 802 4040
National Stalking Helpline
Action on Elder Abuse
Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Force Marriage Helpline (Scotland)
0800 027 1234
Scottish Women’s Aid (Scotland)
0131 226 6606
Women’s Aid Federation (Northern Ireland)
phone: 0800 917 1414
Rights of Women
Southall Black Sisters
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline
SignHealth - Domestic Abuse Service
www.signhealth.org.uk/with-deaf-people/domestic- abuse/domestic-abuse-service/​
Respond - for those with learning disabilities
Honour Network Helpline by Karma Nirvana